Edited Volumes
EV-01 Bifurcation and Chaos: Theory and Application
EV-02 Nonlinear Dynamics: New Theoretical and Applied Results - 20PLN
EV-03 Modeling, Simulations and Control of Nonlinear Engineeing Dynamical Systems: State of the Art, Perspectives and Applications - 20PLN
EV-04 Mathematical Modelling and Analysis in Continuum Mechanics of Microstructured Media
EV-05 Numerical Analysis - Theory and Application
EV-06 Numerical Simulations of Physical and Engineering Processes
EV-07 Dynamical Systems - Nonlinear Dynamics and Control
EV-08 Dynamical Systems - Analytical/Numerical Methods, Stability, Bifurcation and Chaos
EV-09 Nonlinearity, Bifurcation and Chaos - Theory and Applications
EV-10 Dynamical Systems - Theory
EV-11 Dynamical Systems - Applications
EV-12 Computational and Numerical Simulations
EV-13 Applied Non-Linear Dynamical Systems
EV-14 Mechatronics - Ideas for Industrial Application - 20PLN
EV-15 Energy, Environmen, Biology and Biomedicine
EV-16 Dynamical Systems - Control and Stability
EV-17 Dynamical Systems - Mathematical and Numerical Approaches
EV-18 Dynamical Systems - Mechatronics and Life Sciences
EV-19 Mechatronics: Ideas, Challenges, Solutions and Applications - 20PLN
EV-20 Dynamical Systems: Theoretical and Experimental Analysis
EV-21 Dynamical Systems: Modelling
EV-22 Resonance
EV-23 Vibration, Control and Stability of Dynamical Systems
EV-24 Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Dynamical System Analysis
EV-25 Engineering Dynamics of Life Sciences
EV-26 Dynamical Systems in Applications [PDF]
EV-27 Dynamical Systems in Theoretical Perspective [PDF]
EV-28 Entropy in Dynamic Systems
EV-29 Theoretical Approaches in Non-Linear Dynamical Systems [PDF]
EV-30 Applicable Solutions in Non-Linear Dynamical Systems [PDF]
EV-31 Dynamical Systems Theory
EV-32 Perspectives in Dynamical Systems I: Mechatronics and Life Sciences [PDF]
EV-33 Perspectives in Dynamical Systems II: Mathematical and Numerical Approaches [PDF]
EV-34 Perspectives in Dynamical Systems III: Control and Stability [PDF]
EV-35 Recent Trends in Chaotic, Nonlinear and Complex Dynamics
EV-36 Symmetry in Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems [PDF]
EV-37 Innovative Technologies in Construction, Civil Engineering and Architecture [cover]
EV-38 Perspectives in Dynamical Systems I - Applications [PDF]
EV-39 Perspectives in Dynamical Systems II - Numerical and Analytical Approaches [PDF]