Past Courses
- Theory of Vibrations (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TUL; lectures, tutorials and laboratory)
- Introduction to Automatics (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TUL; lectures, tutorials and laboratory)
- Theory of Mechanisms and Machines (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TUL; lectures, tutorials and laboratory)
- Biomechanics (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TUL; lectures, tutorials and laboratory)
- Automatics and Dynamics of Machines (Applied Mechanics at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TUL; lectures, tutorials and laboratory)
- Vibrations of Physical Systems (Faculty of Technical Physics, Computer Science and Applied Mathematics of TUL; lectures and tutorials)
- Dynamics and Control (PhD School on ''Dynamics of Material Systems'' at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TUL; lectures and seminars)
- Dynamical Systems and Control (PhD School on ''Mechanics'' at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TUL; lectures and seminars)
- Modelling and Control of Dynamical Processes (PhD School on ''Mechanics'' at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TUL; lectures and seminars)
- Mathematical Methods of Mechanics (PhD School on ''Mechanics'' at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TUL; lectures and seminars)
- Mechanical Engineering III (170) (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of California, Berkeley, USA; lectures and tutorials; Fall semester 2001)
- Advanced Dynamics (275) (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of California, Berkeley, USA; lectures and tutorials; Fall semester 2001)
- Technical Mechanics (Transport at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering of TUL; lectures)
- Mathematical Systems Modelling (Mathematics at Faculty of Technical Physics, Informatics and Applied Mathematics; lectures and tutorials)
- Modelling and Optimization (Mechatronics at International Faculty of Engineering of TUL; lectures)
- Mathematical Methods of Mechanics (PhD School on ''Mechanics'' at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TUL; lectures and seminars)
- Dynamical Systems (PhD School on ''Mechanics'' at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TUL; lectures and seminars)
- Mathematical Modeling of Systems (PhD School on ''Mechanics'', The Warsaw University of Technology; lectures; 2011-2013)
- Advanced Nonlinear Dynamics (PhD School on ''Mechanics'', The Warsaw University of Technology; lectures; 2011-2013)
Current Courses
- Vibrations of Mechanical Systems: Advanced Problems (PhD School on ''Mechanics and Machines Design'', The Warsaw University of Technology; lectures; 2014-2015)
- Basics of Automation and Mechatronics (First-cycle programme, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TUL; course coordinator)
- Mechatronics (First-cycle programme, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TUL; course coordinator)
- Microautomatics (First-cycle programme, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TUL; course coordinator)
- Modeling and Numerical Symulation in Mechatronics (Second-cycle programme, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TUL; course coordinator)
- Mechatronic Systems and Equipment (Second-cycle programme, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TUL; course coordinator)
- Dynamics of Mechatronic Systems (Second-cycle programme, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TUL; course coordinator)
- Optimization of Control (Second-cycle programme, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TUL; course coordinator)
- Synthesis of Control Systems (Second-cycle programme, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TUL; course coordinator)
- Selected Problems of Biomechanical Engineering (Second-cycle programme, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TUL; course coordinator)
- Technical Mechatronic (Second-cycle programme, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TUL; course coordinator)
- Identification Methods in Mechatronic (Second-cycle programme, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TUL; course coordinator)
- Mathematical Methods of Mechanics (PhD School on ''Mechanics'' at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TUL; course coordinator)
- Dynamical Systems (PhD School on ''Mechanics'' at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TUL; course coordinator)
- Analytical Mechanics (PhD School on ''Mechanics'' at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TUL; course coordinator)
- Mathematical Methods of Mechanics (lecture (30h); PhD School on ''Mechanics'' at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TUL; POWER program (2018/2019))
- Mathematical Methods of Mechanics (lecture (20h); Interdisciplinary Doctoral School; Mechanical Engineering (2019/2020))